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CWM Assembly Video On Demand (VOD)

CWM Assembly Video On Demand (VOD) is available at https://2024.cwmassembly.org/videos/

1. Opening Worship

2. Public Worship

3. Closing Worship

4. General Secretary Address

5. Keynote Address

6. Sub-Theme 1: Transforming Power

7. Sub Theme 2: Re-visioning Mission

8. Sub-Theme 3: Building Life-Flourishing Communities

9. Bible Study 1

10. Bible Study 2

11. Bible Study 3

12. Africa Cultural Night

13. CWM Cultural Night

14. Host Church Context

15. Greetings from Ecumenical Guests

16. Stories from the Region: Pacific

17. Stories from the Region: East Asia

18. Stories from the Region: Caribbean

19. Stories from the Region: South Asia

20. Stories from the Region: Europe

21. Assembly Statement

