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世界傳道會-東亞區會員教會宣教會議 - 張安安姐妹


二、主辦單位:CWM (Council for World Mission)

三、時間:22-27 April 2023


五、參會國家: Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea, Myanmar, Malaysia, Hong Kong


1. 第一天:自由活動+晚餐

2. 第二天:當地教會禮拜+開幕禮拜

3. 第三天:晨間禮拜 (PCT主理)+聖經研究+主講 (香港神學教授Prof. Kung Lap Yan分享「豐富生命的教會 – 以濕地為發想」)+團體分享+會員教會分享+各國青年代表分享(本人代表PCT分享)晚禱

4. 第四天:晨間禮拜+聖經研究+主講 (韓國牧師Rev. Oh Min-Woo分享「豐富生命的創造 – 軍事化現象對自然資源的影響」)+團體分享+會員教會分享+各國婦女代表分享晚禱

5. 第五天:晨間禮拜+聖經研究+主講 (李孝忠牧師分享「豐富生命的教會」)+團體分享+CWM分享組織結構及專案介紹+各國教會Hearing Team分享(本人代表PCT分享)閉幕禮拜+文化之夜


This is my first time to participate in a CWM meeting, and also my first time to represent the General Assembly of PCT in an ecumenical conference in a group setting. Thank you to the General Assembly for this privilege to learn from representatives of other countries, and to work alongside representatives from various fields in Taiwan. My biggest gain from this trip is to understand how Presbyterian churches and other Reformed churches are united in faith despite being in different circumstances and contexts, and in realizing our unity in Christ, being able to share, care for and understand each other.

First of all, I had gained a great appreciation of the background of CWM: CWM started as the "London Missionary Society", and all the current CWM member churches are churches that were planted by this group of London missionaries in all over the world during that period. Even today, even if churches with similar doctrines wish to join this organization, they will be rejected because they do not share the same historical context. I am very touched that the ministry of this group of around 30 London missionaries can become a worldwide organization and a blessing to each other today. The other thing I have learned about the CWM is the emphasis on the constant revisiting of our faith, our place in this world, and if we are able to be the salt and light to the environment that we are in. I am especially touched by the focus on restoration, repent, and reconciliation. I have learned the constant contextualization of our faith not just to the different cultures, but to the different situations throughout history, is able to bring about the core value of our faith in its purest form. I was previously afraid to make those presumptions of how our faith should be adaptive to our environment, but I have learned that God’s plan and His purpose for this world is more than we can imagine and control.

Hong Kongese theologian Prof. Kung Lap Yan's sermon inspired me greatly. He mentioned that there are two types of "boundaries". One is centralized and unified, which limits all diversity to one boundary. Another kind of boundary allows people and things outside the boundary to enjoy abundant life (life-flourishing). Just as the "wetland" is located at the junction of two different environments, as Christians we are also mediators between the world and the kingdom of God. If we make good use of our position and have the heart of fulfilling others to live a “life-flourishing” life ", we will be able to bring about and nurture the abundance of life just as a wetland does. I think such a concept can be used in missionary work to resolve the contradiction between "Truth" and "Contextualization", and can further encourage us to reflect on the core nature of the Truth that we preach.

During the Youth Panel Discussion, the representatives from different countries shared about the contexts and difficulties encountered by Christian youths. Although countries have different cultural backgrounds and church environments, the problems encountered are generally related to "youth not being heard to and valued". The youths do not feel like they are heard and their voices are being recognized in the church community. And often times, it is not that the youth are not willing to participate at the church, but they do not believe that their thoughts and actions can make a difference in the community; either they are not encouraged to speak up, or previous experiences have led them to doubt their influence. It was also pointed out that many youths would probably leave the church, but not necessarily their faith. Their search of God and faith lies outside of the church, outside of the influence of human authorities, and outside of institutions. I think it is important to realize that the walk of faith for youth is not limited in a church setting, thus those who care about the youths can also reach out to them outside of the setting of the church to care for their needs.

Lastly, I am especially touched by the sermon of Pastor Lee Hau-Tiong. He demonstrated for us the reality and challenges of bringing about a life-flourishing community whilst leading a church. He also talked to us about the concept of “Missio Dei”, doing missions not for the sake of church, in the church, or by the church, but to do missions with the heart of pleasing God, not men. As a youth who has constantly moved to different cities, it is difficult for me to be rooted in one church congregation. Therefore, the idea of serving God with the mindset of serving God’s people, not just churchgoers really spoke to me. Not only has Pastor Lee spoke about the importance of bringing the gospel to the community around us, but also its impact on God’s kingdom by showing love to the those we are in need, even before they come to know about God.

Through the examples of many representatives and speakers in the event, I was able to observe their “long-suffering love”, the true demonstration of God’s grace to those who are yet to receive Him, and sharing the gospel without coming in with a moral superiority of correcting them, but bearing all of their doing with God’s love. I have realized that in my place, I am merely a servant of God to show love to His people. The conviction of one’s spirit and bringing one to changing their hearts is the works of God and the Holy Spirit.

這是我第一次參加C W M的會議,也是第一次以團體的身分代表總會出席普世活動。謝謝總會給我這個難得的機會可以與其他國家的代表學習,也跟台灣的各領域代表合作、彼此激勵。我在這趟旅行中最大的收穫就是了解到長老教會以及其他改革宗脈絡的教會在不同的處境下,是如何在信仰中合一,進而在會議中彼此分享、彼此關懷、彼此理解。

首先,我對於CWM的背景有很大的認識:CWM始於「倫敦宣教組織」,而現在所有的C W M會員教會皆是在那段時期中由這群倫敦宣教師們到世界各地拓展的教會。即便到如今,若有教義相似教會想要加入這個組織,也會因為沒有相同的歷史脈絡而被拒絕。我很感動這群30多位的倫敦宣教士的事工能夠在現今成為世界性的組織以及彼此的祝福。我從 CWM 了解到的另一件事是強調我們應該不斷重新審視我們的信仰、我們在這個世界上的位置,以及我們是否能夠成為我們所處環境的光和鹽。改革宗對於恢復、悔改以及和解的重視也令我印象深刻。 我了解到,我們的信仰在不同的文化以及不同時空背景下不斷地處境化的過程中,才能夠以最純粹的形式顯示出我們信仰的核心價值。 以前我不敢思考我們的信仰應該如何適應我們的環境,但我了解到上帝對這個世界的計劃和目的是我們無法想像和控制的。謙卑承認我們單靠自己是無法完全明白真理的,唯有藉著聖靈的作工,與其他基督徒的相通,我們才能看見上帝的榮耀。

香港神學教授Prof. Kung Lap Yan講道給我很大的啟發。他說到「界線」有兩種,一種是集權式的、統一式的將不同的多樣性全部限制在一個界線。另外一種界線則是允許在界線外的人事物能夠享受豐盛的生命。如同「濕地」位在兩種不同環境的交界處,身為基督徒的我們也是同樣在人的世界以及神的國度中作為中介者,若好好運用我們的位置,並以「成全他人擁有豐富的生命」為心,必能如濕地一樣帶來豐富的生命多樣性。我認為這樣的概念在宣教事工中可以用來化解「真理的傳遞」以及「尊重當地處境」之間的矛盾,並能進一步鼓勵我們省思真理的最核心的本質。

在各國青年代表分享時間,我們有幸與大家說明各國基督教青年遇到的處境與困境。雖然各國有不同的文化背景及教會環境,但大致上遇到的問題皆與「青年不受傾聽與重視」有關。年輕人時常認為自己的聲音沒有被聽見,並且相信他們的聲音在教會中沒有得到認可。 其實很多時候,年輕人並不是不願意參加教會活動,而是他們不相信自己的想法和行為可以對教會產生影響 – 無論是教會的環境不鼓勵他們發聲,或是之前的經歷讓他們懷疑自己的影響力。 也有其他青年代表指出,許多年輕人可能會離開教會,但並非表示他們會離開他們的信仰。 他們對上帝和信仰的追求有時是在教會之外,在權威的影響之外,在制度之外。 我認為最重要的是要認識到年輕人的信仰之路不僅限於教會,因此那些關心年輕人的人也可以在教會以外接觸他們,以關心他們的需要。

最後,我特別感動李牧師的講道。 他向我們說明了在牧養教會的同時為鄰近社區帶來「豐盛的生命」的現實和挑戰。他也跟我們談到了「Missio Dei」的概念:不是為了教會,不是在教會裡,也不是藉著教會來宣教,而是以討神喜悅的心來宣教,而不是討人的喜悅。 作為一個經常在不同城市流動的年輕人,我很難在一個教會會眾中紮根。 因此,以服事上帝子民來服事上帝,而非僅服事在教會聚會的會友 這個觀念對我來說十分重要。 李牧師不僅談到了將福音帶給我們周圍社區的重要性,也談到我們應該在世人未信之前就向他們付出上帝的愛。

通過他的榜樣,以及眾多代表的分享,我看到了他們「恆久忍耐的愛」:真實地向未接受祂的人彰顯神的恩典,而非以道德優越感進到社區來糾正他們,而是用上帝的愛來承擔他們所做的一切。 我了解在我的位置上,我僅是上帝的僕人,向祂的子民傳達祂的愛,一個人的信仰以及內心真切地改變則是上帝和聖靈的工作。


As a youth representative, I have learned that we do have a voice in God’s kingdom. We ought to fear not human authorities, or the lies that doubt us, but trust in God’s plan for our lives. God will show His grace and faithfulness through His people who truly loves anyone who serves the Lord. I hope that I can share the message of empowerment with other youths, especially in the Christian circle where they feel like not only do they not fit in with the worldly peers, but sometimes not even in the church communities. I am thankful that PCT has given me as a youth this wonderful opportunity to be a representative, and to trust me and my perspective in sharing the Taiwanese experience.

As a Taiwanese, I realize that we are not alone in our walks of fighting for justice, resisting authoritarian influences, and struggling for our identity. I am inspired to bring back the experiences shared by representatives from other countries to Taiwan, in order to show the Taiwanese people that despite isolation in the international community, we do have hope in the kingdom of God with our brothers and sisters around the world to stand in solidarity with us. In addition, I will also strive to continue to tell the Taiwanese perspective and context to the rest of the world. In the process of doing so, pleading for support from the Christian communities, as well as showcasing the resilience, faith, and courage of the Taiwanese Christians and PCT, not just currently, but in our history as well.

Lastly, as a Christian, I am called to revisit all the boundaries in my life, whether it be interpersonal boundaries, boundaries between the church and the world, or boundaries between nations, and examine whether or not the results of setting those boundaries are life flourishing. I am also called to serve God’s people, regardless of their context, for I have learned that even in the different contexts, God’s love can show if we as God’s servant are willing to bring about His long-suffering love to those around us.

I am encouraged to witness the contextualization and universalism of missions in the kingdom of God, and I am inspired to reach out and share this good news to all those around me, especially those who are silenced, disadvantaged, and marginalized.

作為青年代表,我了解到我們在上帝的國度中確實有發言權。 我們不應該害怕人的權威或懷疑我們的謊言,而應該相信上帝對我們生命的計劃。 上帝會通過祂的子民彰顯祂的恩典和信實,尤其是那些真正愛所有事奉主的子民。 我希望我能與其他年輕人分享這個的充滿希望與力量的訊息,尤其是在基督徒圈子裡,有時年輕人不僅覺得自己不適合世俗的同齡人,有時甚至與教會群體格格不入。 我很感謝 PCT 給了我這個青年這樣難得的機會,讓我成為代表,並相信我和我在分享台灣經驗方面的觀點。

作為一個台灣人,我意識到在為正義而戰、反抗專制影響、為身份而奮鬥的路上,我們並不孤單。 我受到啟發要將各國代表分享的經驗帶回台灣,讓台灣人民知道,儘管在國際社會被孤立,但我們確實有盼望,因為世界各地的弟兄姐妹一起在上帝的國度裡與我們站在一起。 此外,我也會努力繼續向世界講述台灣的處境和觀點,在傳講的過程中,懇求基督徒群體的支持,並展示台灣基督徒和 PCT 在現今以及歷史上的韌性、信仰和勇氣。

最後,作為一個基督徒,我被呼召該要重新審視我生命中所有的界限,無論是人與人之間的界限,教會與世界之間的界限,還是國家與國家之間的界限,並檢查這些界限的結果是否是帶來「豐盛的生命」。 我也蒙召為上帝的子民服務,無論他們的背景如何,因為我了解到,即使在不同的背景下,如果我們作為上帝的僕人願意帶來祂「恆久忍耐的愛」,上帝的愛也會彰顯在我們周圍的人事物以及環境。



I suggest that we communicate more with CWM member churches, and have a deeper understanding of the current situation of churches in various countries and their relationship with the government before attending CWM activities, because a large part of the "group sharing" session in the conference is representatives explaining the current situation of the church and the country, instead of further discussing the differences and similarities of each other's current situation, and sharing in prayers with each other.



I was on the “Listening Group” of the conference where one representative from each country had to gather together to summarize and discuss the content of the meeting of the day, and how it fits with the theme of “Life-Flourishing Community”. I was inspired by the commonalities of our observations, despite having different backgrounds and contexts.


This is the group photo of the conference attendees. We had become close brother and sisters despite the limited time to know each other and our different backgrounds. We are able to do so because of our unity in Christ and His love.

這是與會者的合影。 儘管彼此了解的時間有限,而且我們的處境各不相同,但我們已經成為親密的兄弟姐妹。 我們之所以能夠這樣做,是因為我們在基督和祂的愛裡合一。
