台灣基督長老教會總會普世關係委員會 國際會議報告書 完成日期:2022年11月 30日 報告者: 黃伯和 一、會議名稱:Church Forum on Peace and people’s security in Northeast Asia 二、主辦單位:NCCK 三、時間:Nov. 28-30, 2022 四、地點:UCCP Shalom Hotel, Manila 五、參會國家: Korea, Japan, Philippines, Taiwan and north America 六、會議流程及內容摘要: 1st day Nov. 28: Arrival at Manila move to the venue, welcome dinner 2nd day Nov. 29: 08:30-09:10: Opening worship organized by local host(UCCP) 09:10-09:50: Introduction, greetings and orientation 09:50-10:20: Tea Break 10:20-10:50: Presentation 1 - Challenges and difficulties in peace-building in NE Asia Rev. Dr Lee Hong-Jung (General Secretary, NCCK/ Chair of NEA CF 10:50-11:20: Q & A, Plenary discussion 11:20-12:00: Country Reports (Japan, Korea) 12:00-14:00: Lunch Break 14:00-14:40: Country Report (Philippines, Taiwan) more to be added 14:40-15:10: Presentation 2: Church as agent of peace building: Ecumenical Vision and Mission Bp. Reuel Norman O. Marigza, (General Secretary, NCCP) 15:10-15:40: Tea Break 15:40-16:20: Q & A, Plenary discussion 16:20-17:20: NEA Forum business session (election of officials, coordinating team, finance etc.) 17:20: Dinner break 3rd day Nov. 30: 09:00-10:00: Morning devotion, bible study 10:00-10:30: Presentation 3 – New Cold War, militarism, climate crisis and gender 10:30-11:00: Q&A 11:00-11:15: Tea break 11:15-12:30: Group discussion for action plan 12:30-13:30: Lunch break 13:30-14:00: Report on the group discussion 14:00-15:00: Plenary discussion/ adoption of action plans/ closing 15:00: Departure 七、學習心得: - Church forum on Peace and Security in North East Asia 應該從教會機構型的論壇,轉向人民的論壇,廣納非教會的基督徒團體,以及一般civil organizations,才能讓和平與人民安全的議題更普遍傳遞。對於整個東北亞地區的人民的和平與安全才更有助益。
- UN(聯合國)應該是確保國際秩序、保護人權的國際最高機構,但是事實上聯合國在保護人權方面卻是無能為力。許多時候更成為壓迫者的辯護場合,如何強化聯合國實踐其普世人權宣言之使命,實為當務之急。
- 新冷戰時期的地緣政治,面對東西文明的衝突,無法用傳統神學思維來分析與解讀。教會或學界必須強化對totalitarianism的分析與解構,以便適切的掌握國際與區域掌情勢進而提出因應。
- 安全議題也包含生態與氣候變化的議題。
- People’s solidarity and People Power 是處理東亞安全的重要策略,但也有其現實的障礙,因為不同國家地區人民所面對的挑戰與困境不一,其背後影響的因素也不同,甚至可能有矛盾的勢力左右。如何通過坦誠的溝通(people’s inter-subjectivity)來尋找共識是很重要的功課。
八、我在自己的工作崗位能做什麼? - 從事新處境的神學分析與解構,提供神學論述幫助教會、信徒認識、洞察時代本質。
- 支持、參與會議的action Plans:
Key projects: - Networking/ sharing information, 2. Peace education, 3. Emergency solidarity action
- Peace Education
- Peace seminar for Youth (on-line/ off-line)
- Emergency Solidarity Actions
- Global conference on ecumenical response
- Round-table in cooperation with other regions
- Joint statement on emergency matters
- Emergence relief cooperation
- Other peace-building initiatives
- Establish Research project for the topic of peace and people’s security in NEA
- Uccp invitation for peace conference on 2023
- Campaign for Prisoner release in Philippines
- Respond to Ncck campaign (invitation was sent to pct)
九、建議事項: - 邀請總會屬下神學院及高等教育機構共同研究東亞新地緣政治的情況與影響
- 舉辦研討會傳達總會對此議題的關心與其對宣教的影響
- 透過普世事工持續與東北亞的夥伴教會保持聯繫,增進合作關係。
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