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2022 ACT亞太性別實踐共同體-許妝莊執事


一、會議名稱:ACT Asia-Pacific Gender Community of Practice (CoP)Meeting


二、主辦單位:ACT Gender Justice Program

三、時 間:Thursday 4th August at 11:00 (Bangkok Time)

四、地 點:線上會議





1、Welcome and introduction to ACT Gender Asia-Pacific Co-Chairs

2、2022 Asia-Pacific Roadmap

a. Technical Assistance with different streams and sub-groups
b. What do we want to achieve together this year?
c. CoP Meetings

3、In-Person Meeting Proposal and Planning


Elaine Neuenfeldt, Federica, Jacinta Harford, Kaji Shahin Akter, Karen Chute, Kylie Wingjan, Piia Lempiäinen, Mia Agnes Meiria, Rachel Tavernor, Roscel Diegos, Sam Bona, Shituma Tajrin, Shriju Panday, Sawako(日本代表,顯示名稱是:sk318201), Titin Rejeki, Verdina(Tamu), Zhang Chao(中國代表), Ranita Christie, Chuang-chuang Hsu(我).


Welcome and introduction to ACT Gender Asia-Pacific Co-Chairs
We gave thanks for Belinda Lauria’s leadership of the Asia-Pacific Gender CoP. Belinda has now taken up a new role at Plan and is no longer part of the CoP.

Piia Lempiäinen (Felm, Hong Kong) will continue as Co-Chair
We warmly welcome new co-chairs:

Mia Agnes Meiria, Yakkum / Indonesia

Ranjita Borgoary, UELCI / India.

15:03 Rachel Tavernor女士先自我介紹,並引入主持人Piia Lempiäinen女士

15:23 Piia Lempiäinen女士開場,她表達今年ACT最大的活動即是Asia-Pacific Roadmap,她並邀請主導的Roscel Diegos女士分享以下詳情。

16:40~31:00 Roscel Diego女士分享3 work streams& 6 sub-groupsPiia Lempiäinen女士後面又再補充一些要點。
3 work streams: 1)Advocacy 2)Police & Strategy 3)Programmatic

Each streams have 2 sub-groups, total 6 sub-groups. PCT can contact them if we want to join(除了最後一個stream有限定給兩個組織參與,其他都可以參加). They use fabo to record all the session data: https://fabo.org/enrol/?id=640 (contact Rachel to have an account).They also plan in-personal meeting in late September(9/27-29), and another on-line workshop for CoP members in November(11月會議的議程之後才會給), if PCT have any opinion or hopes, we can send to them.

3 work streams& 6 sub-groups detail:


1-1 PANZ and its partners subgroup: Pacific Australis New Zealand Forum and their partner in the Pacific. They have been engaged with their faith leaders, through the PANZ members. And some partners are in churches in Fuji, Solomon Islands, PNG. They are thinking about gender-based violence, because it is critical issue in the Pacific. A lot of PANZ members and partners working on this area. Getting them together as a form to know how they work together, and get their leader on board. The session is about to start next(隨著時間過去,即是本週) week. Jacinta Harford is the reference person of this subgroup.

1-2 India, Cambodia, Indonesia forums subgroup: Involving national forum-led Advocacy. There is a guidance for actor alliance. What are the tips to identify what gender issue you want to focus on, and how do you live that from a forum perspective. We are looking at India, Cambodia, Indonesia Forum, because they said they interest in that advocacy. This program has not started yet, please let me(Roscel or Rachel) know if PCT like to join. Ranjita Christie(應該就是另一個co-chair的Ranjita Borgoary?) is the reference person for this subgroup.

2)Policy & Strategy:

2-1 Policy: it focuses on how to develop a Gender or GEDSI policy. One session already held and 2 more sessions to be organized (one in August and one in October). Titin is the reference person for this subgroup. Going through the victim members, what is the thing they need to do to come up with the policy? How do they come up with the business case for them to start to develop a gender policy? Members in this session are given a task, which is at the end of this session, they start to conversation in their own organization. They would have to go out to conversation, to draft a plan. And I wish they will bring their draft in November to express how they are going to do it. I plan this because I think if you do gender policy without programming, you would be in difficult position because you were not taking of implementation.

2-2 Strategy: it focuses on how to develop a gender strategy, considering the different situation/needs of support offices and of implementing partners. One session already held and 2 more sessions to be organized (one in August and one in October) Piia is the reference person for this subgroup. Strategy is like policy. Like who are the people I need to talk? What is the thing you need to refuse? What is the concept you need to understand?
Within the end of the technical assistance period provided by Roscel Diego, both the subgroups have been asked to prepare at least a work plan that includes the steps to implement the drafting of a policy and of a strategy within each organization. We(Roscel Diego and other member) will have support and implement partners in this session. The member of this session might not finish their task this year, thus they may develop more strategies in the group in next year.

3)Programmatic: Restricted to 2 organizations to support their work on specific programmatic areas. Yakkum and CCDB

They need to identify the Pacific programmatic area they need to work on.

3-1 Yakkum: Need help to do a gender analysist. And what are the question you need to ask? They have to get out to the field and collect the questions then back. In September they need to be in group and analyze the questions together. Mia is the reference person of this subgroup. If things will not finish by December, I have other colleague like PANZ group, Titin Rejeki, Piia Lempiäinen, Mia Agnes Meiria to continue to work on. This is the link from the past to the future.

3-2 CCDB: that has not yet defined the support focus and the subgroup reference person.

31:25~34:17Rachel Tavernor女士分享9月的會議(In-Person Meeting Proposal and Planning),接下來則有其他人對會議的建言:

2022/9/27-9/29 in Bali Indonesia. We would like to bring different members from streams of gender program in this Asia-Pacific region, and to build real relationship to work together. The agenda will have organization changes, policy-making, advocacy, and representations from National forum project and etc.

Planning has started with the Co-Chairs, and we welcome further input from members into the Concept Note(會議理念與相關資訊,2022/8/16前提出意見,目前已看到有夥伴用google修訂功能提出意見)、.報名表單(2022/8/15前須完成報名)

35:15~38:07 Mia Agnes Meiria女士發言

Hope the meeting in September will find solution of many problems and challenges.

38:22~43:31 Elaine Neuenfeldt女士(她應該是牧師)向Piia Lempiäinen女士提出會議需要有更多神學觀點的回應

We should ground our discussion about gender policy or advocacy issues in our theological/faith perspective, not only in human rights perspective. Because we are faith-based organization. In September meeting, we want to see how our theology perspectives can be articulated to help us handle these issues in different regions.


-Elaine explained that they will support the grounding of our work on gender advocacy, policies, and strategies from a faith perspective, as ACT, being a faith-based alliance, needs to consider a human rights perspective as well as a faith perspective in carrying out its activities.

-The small group of theologians that will join the in-person meeting will start this kind of discussion in order to continue it virtually after the event in Bali. The identification of theologians will be carried out with the support of the Co-Chairs, considering already existing networks.

-In relation to this, Kylie mentioned that in the Pacific a lot of work grounded within the gender equality theology has been already done.


-Rachel clarified that interested staff members can apply to join the in-person meeting even if they were not previously involved in the gender COP activities.

-Members will need to fund their participation in the meeting, however, there is limited funding available for people not able to cover their full costs, please express this in the 報名表單 here, if you wish to be considered for funding.

-However, due to space limitation for the meeting, a prioritization among possible participants will be done, considering also that we want to support the learning of people already or will be actively engaged in the COP.

43:47~45:28 Jacinta Harford女士發言

We have already developed training resources which can share with each other, and to know what each member is doing. Proposing to map out or having a discussion among us to understand what agencies are doing, what resources they have developed, what could be shared and to identify areas where agencies could work together.

45:31~47:55 Rachel Tavernor女士有對Advocacy session的整體理念再做一些介紹

During the advocacy session, we want to build what is happening, try to create new network for strength. And to meet with colleagues. In last week, to work with faith leaders and bring in theologian voices in the process. In-person meeting is a space that we can talk honestly about the challenges we meet, share it in faith communities. In the National Advocacy session, in last week, was looking at who was the expertise already in the vision, letting different voices of regions be contacted. We really like to promote it.

48:15~49:11Titin Rejeki女士發言

To have members presenting their work in relation to the technical assistance, to promote learning among different streams.

51:06~54:29Ranita Christie因為參加另一個會議所以遲到,她有簡單自介

52:24~55:21Kylie Wingjan女士有透過文字訊息表示希望多了解整體的Technical Assistance會如何進行?Rachel Tavernor女士因此又講了一些前面45:31~47:55提及的地方如: not only to support different streams, but also build the relationship and connecting. 此時Piia Lempiäinen女士提議由Roscel Diego女士補充分享Roadmap相關資訊如下。

55:22~1:00:45Roscel Diego女士補充分享Roadmap相關資訊,這是會議最後的分享,會議最後是由Piia Lempiäinen女士結束:

Just asking members, what do you need to help you? The fact is they do not have the technical skills to start. Every time we ask a partner, they say they want to do gender policy, but they do not know how to start it. We may have policy but we do not know how to implement it. And the next step of policy will be strategy. And our CoP members are advocates, since we are faith network, the advocacy put even forward. We want do more programmatically, how can we do that? All of these questions were answered with the discussion members. For the CoP, it is your challenge, because many members have policy but do not know how to come up with theology, or the role of church play in gender-based violence and gender issue. The technical assistance will help people to deal with it. Those discussion we have been starting doing. The current streams subgroups have been defined on the basis of the support needs expressed by members last year. Although the technical assistance started addressing these needs, some members are expected to struggle in implementing what learned. Some member will not do the strategy in this year, but they probably will do next year. For CoP members, about the plan next year, you do not need to go far, but just to continue on, because the technical starts from need of members. And it is important to have working sub-group members face to face in this meeting(9月的實體會議) to discuss about next year. I am going to stop here, but these members will continue.


1、Roscel Diego女士於前面介紹第2個stream的Policy & Strategy的部分,以及最後結尾55:22~1:00:45的分享中均有提到從性別的Policy化為Strategy不是那麼容易,需要透過如小組群體一起學習研討,甚至要練習去擬定在所處的組織中要如何執行性別政策的計畫等等,我想到在近期林于仙女士不幸逝世的事件,長老教會的回應其實是慢了,或是很不容易去回應,會不會都有可能是在Policy化為Strategy的部分遇到問題?或許在未來可以再請教ACT的普世夥伴,參考他們面對一些案例的做法。

2、Rachel Tavernor女士在45:31~47:55處有提到透過小組的信仰群體,大家可以坦誠分享自己處理性別公義議題遇到的真實困境。不過,筆者過去曾聽聞一位教會友人,其在服事上受到一起同工長輩的不公允對待,因此在那樣的信仰群體中,友人是不可能誠實分享自己真正的困難,而是需要先保護自己。不知道在長老教會的其他信仰團體中會不會也可能有類似的情境?就是其實在相同的信仰團體內反而是不能敞開談所有的問題。而就友人的經驗,當因為前述的服事造成生命面臨最困難、最不想來教會的時候,反而是別的宗教信仰夥伴幫助了友人,可能是因為所屬信仰群體不同,反倒是能敞開心胸分享。因此筆者覺得在處理性別公義議題時,若能加入別的信仰群體的意見或力量,會不會其實也有可能成為另一個助力呢?








以下兩張照片均為線上會議截圖,筆者均在畫面右下。第二張右側則為線上文字部分的討論。第一張照片最左上為Rachel Tavernor女士,第二張照片在筆者頭像上方則為Roscel Diego女士。

