台灣基督長老教會總會普世關係委員會 國際會議報告書 完成日期: 2024/10/30 報告者: Vavauni.Ljaljegean 一、會議名稱:WCC SEMINAR ON INDIGENOUS SPIRITUALITY, LANDRIGHTS, AND CLIMATE JUSTICE 二、主辦單位:World Council of Churches-Ecumenical Indigenous Peoples Network Reference Group 三、時間: October 13-15, 2024 四、地點:Bossey and Geneva, Switzerland 五、參會國家:Taiwan、Port Harcourt/Nigeria、Auckland /New Zealand、Jakarta/indonesia、Helsinki/Finland、Phoenix (Arizona)/USA、Edmonton/Canada、Brisbane/Australia、 Amman/Jordan、Bengaluru/India、Panama City/Panama、Alta/Norway、Kolkata/India、imapur/India AGENDA WCC SEMINAR ON INDIGENOUS SPIRITUALITY, LAND RIGHTS, AND CLIMATE JUSTICE Bossey and Geneva, October 13-15, 2024 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2024 7:00 amBreakfast (available from 7 am to start of meeting) 9:00 am Welcome to the Seminar – Mari Valjakka *Introduce Athena Peralta and any members of her team who are present Morning Prayer 9:15 am Keynote Address by Anne-Pattel Gray Insert title Followed by Q&A and General Discussion 10:30 am Coffee Break 11:00 pm Poetry Reading by Shane Goldie Segment 1: Indigenous Spiritualities Earth’s Pulse Segment 2: Indigenous Rights and Green Colonization Voices of the Land Segment 3: Land Repatriation and Reparatory Justice Seeds of Return Responses and General Discussion 11:45 pm Grace 12:00 pm Lunch 1:30 pm Storytelling and Art Presentation By Vauvani Ljaljegean Spiritual Response to Taiwanese Earthquake Q&A and General Discussion 2:15 pm Reflections on Meeting from those leaving Monday Moderator offers Farewell to those Participants Instructions re. Airport Departures on Monday 3:00 pmDepart for La Côte Anglican Church 4:00 p.m. Gingins service at La Côte Anglican Church 5:45 p.m. Return from church to Chȃteau de Bossey 6:30 pm Dinner MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2024 8:30 am Atola Longkumer Intersection spirituality and land rights, India (title tbc) 9:00 am Lempang Phom Decolonising Eco-theology: A Tribal Naga Indigenous perspective 9:30 am Q&A and Discussion with Atola and Lempang 10:00 am Break 10:30 am Poetry Reading by Fransina Yoteni The Bible in the Struggle of Papua Hana Kirreh Palestinian Rights and Resilience in the Face of Climate Change Q&A and General Discussion with Hana 11:45 am Poetry Reading by Fransina Yoteni Dreams of Justice in the Land of Cenderawasih 11:55 am* Grace 12:00 pm Lunch 1:30 pm Chief Edmund Stuurman (with video) The Intersection of Indigenous Spiritualities Land Rights and Climate Justice 2:30 pm Poetry Reading by Fransina Yoteni The Land of Papua Cries For Justice Q&A and Discussion with Fransina and Shane 3:30 pm Break 4:10 pm Departure for B&B Hotel, Geneva 7:00 p.m. Dinner Nostra Italia Avenue de l’Etang 67, 1219 Chȃtelaine *tbc when luncheon preferences for Tuesday need to be gathered TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2024 Room A, ECUMENICAL CENTRE, GENEVA TBD Breakfast at Hotel TBD Depart for Ecumenical Centre from Hotel Lobby 8:45am WCC Morning Worship 9:00am Presentation by Athena Peralta, Director, Commission on Climate Justice and Sustainable Development, WCC 9:30 am Patricia StandTal Clarke Land Medicine 10:00 am Q&A and General Discussion with Patricia 10:30 am Break 11:00 am Frederique Seidel, WCC Programme Executive, Child Rights / Manager of global WCC-UNICEF partnership Legal Action for Intergenerational Justice, with focus on financial actors 11:15 am Jocabed Solano Olowgadule Que cante la tierra Q&A and Discussion 12:30 pm Lunch at Cuisine Lab 2:00 pm Sharing Circle/Reflections on the Meeting*** 3:30 pm Break 4:00 pm Juan Chavez (by Zoom from California) Indigenous Spiritualities and Land Rights: A view from the Bolivian Andes 4:45 pm Closing Session § Production of Seminar Publication/Webpage § Instructions for Wednesday Airport Departures Sending Prayer TBD Departure for Stroll by Lake Geneva and Dinner 7:30 pm Dinner Le Lacustre Quai du Général-Guisan 5, 1204 Genève 學習心得 學習心得主要分成二個部份: 對WCC的認識、各國原住民代表分享。 一、 對WCC的認識 World Council of Churches (WCC) 是一個具代表性、跨教派的基督教組織,致力於基督徒之間的合一和共同合作。這個組織匯集了來自不同基督教傳統的教會,涵蓋了不同的文化背景和神學觀點。我的一些看法如下: 1. 促進教會合一與合作:WCC 的核心宗旨之一是推動教會合一,超越教派的差異,為共同信仰和使命努力。這個目標與許多基督徒「同心合意」的信念相契合,是全球基督徒之間互相支持的重要平台。 2. 社會公義與和平:WCC 積極參與世界各地的社會公義議題,如反貧困、和平倡議、難民支持、氣候變遷等,推動在基督教信仰指引下的社會關懷與正義行動。這些工作反映了對耶穌教導的回應,也強調了教會在社會中的積極角色。 3. 促進宗教對話與理解:當前全球多元的宗教與文化環境下,WCC 致力於跨宗教的對話,試圖促進和平共處,這對於減少文化與宗教之間的誤解與衝突有一定的幫助。 4. 挑戰與批評:WCC 在促進教會合一的過程中,也遇到一些挑戰,例如如何在保持信仰核心價值的同時包容不同的神學觀點。此外,WCC 有時因其社會公義立場被批評過於政治化,這在一些保守教會中存在爭議。 二、 各國原住民代表分享。 1. 追求公義、和解與合一:WCC強調以「公義、和解與合一的朝聖之旅」為核心的神學方式。這種方式推動合作,不僅在信仰上合一,還強調行動上的團結,著重於傾聽、相互支持,以及共同承擔苦難與喜樂。 2. 原住民觀點與包容:原住民會前會的信息引人注目,帶來關注邊緣社群的批判性聲音,倡導提升被忽視群體的能見度。這包括推動一種尊重原住民傳統並承認歷史不公的和解。對「合一」常與殖民主義掛勾的批評尤其有力,呼籲基督教的合一應尊重多樣性而非強制同化。 3. 橫向議題:這是的討論提到普世視野涵蓋了跨教派合作、性別議題、種族公義、青年參與以及跨宗教對話。這種包容性框架不僅重視教會在拆除系統性不公方面的角色,還支持不同社群的需求,對於促進一個全面的普世運動尤為重要。 4. 全球代表性與培育:WCC致力於服務全球各地的教會,從亞洲到太平洋地區,反映了其對支持多元文化的普世實踐的重視。將「普世培育」視為培養具普世價值觀的人的過程,彰顯了WCC對一個多元且團結的教會群體的願景。 5. 2025年普世年:即將到來的2025年「普世年」將藉由如Bossey會議等活動,圍繞使徒信仰展開反思,並聚焦去殖民化的觀點。這一年將成為在現代脈絡下探索信仰與合一主題的關鍵時刻,提供機會讓教會歷史與實踐進行批判性的探討。 總結來說,WCC的2023-2030年戰略計劃為全球教會提出了包容而全面的願景。該計劃通過友伴神學,處理複雜的議題,並尋求在尊重各個群體獨特身份與歷史的基礎上聯合社群。 我在自己的工作崗位能做什麼? This is my first time attending a meeting in Geneva, and I am grateful for PCT and CWM’s recommendation, allowing me to participate in the WCC Indigenous Peoples Advisory Group discussions. Reuniting with friends I haven’t seen for a long time, I find that everyone is still tirelessly working on Indigenous affairs in their respective regions, which makes me feel my own limitations and inadequacies. Geneva, as a center for global religion and international cooperation, indeed holds a unique position. Not only does it play a significant role in the history of the Christian Reformation, but it also serves as a platform for discussion and collaboration among international organizations, including the United Nations. Being able to discuss the various issues we face today with Indigenous church friends from all over the world on such an international stage is undoubtedly a profound and inspiring experience. These discussions cover a range of issues, including the defense of land rights, preservation of culture and language, political oppression, transmission of traditional knowledge, and the far-reaching impact of climate change on Indigenous communities. Through these discussions, we gain a deep understanding of the common challenges and unique experiences faced by Indigenous peoples in different regions. These invaluable experiences and wisdom can undoubtedly provide guidance and inspiration to other Indigenous communities around the world. I pray that through such dialogue and exchange, we can foster greater understanding and support, empowering Indigenous communities worldwide to uphold their cultures and values in the face of present challenges, while gaining increased respect and justice. May the Lord guide us as we confront global challenges together, leading us towards a more harmonious and just future. As an Indigenous pastor from Taiwan and a member of the WCC advisory group, I hope to play a unique role in this position by: 1. Advocating for Indigenous Voices and Perspectives: Promoting more focus on Indigenous issues within the WCC, ensuring that challenges faced by Taiwanese Indigenous peoples, such as land rights, cultural preservation, economic hardships, and climate change, are recognized on a global church platform. 2. Building Cross-Cultural Dialogue: Using my background to foster understanding and support across cultures, and strengthening connections between Indigenous communities worldwide by sharing stories of faith, life experiences, and learning from each other’s contexts and faith practices. 3. Promoting Social Justice Issues: WCC places great importance on social justice, and I hope to assist in advancing more Indigenous-related justice issues, such as environmental protection, land rights, and educational opportunities, making the WCC's social care work more comprehensive. 4. Supporting Education and Cultural Preservation: Within the WCC framework, I aim to support educational resources and cultural preservation, particularly for Indigenous people in Taiwan and other nations, promoting policies and actions rooted in respect for cultural and linguistic diversity. 5. Supporting the Development of Indigenous Pastors: Seeking support within the WCC to nurture and allocate resources to Indigenous pastors, encouraging more young Indigenous people to join faith-based service, thereby strengthening the leadership of Indigenous churches. These contributions not only amplify the voice of Taiwanese Indigenous peoples on a global scale but also help the WCC better understand and respond to the needs and calls of Indigenous communities worldwide. 這是我第一次來日內瓦開會,謝謝台灣基督長老教會(PCT)與世界傳道會(CWM)的推薦,可以參加WCC的原住民諮詢小組討論。遇到許久不見的普世友人,雖然經過三年多疫情的挑戰,大家依舊努力都在各地為原住民事務奮鬥,真的感覺到自己的有很多可以學習的地方與交流。 日內瓦作為全球宗教和國際合作的中心,確實具有其獨特的地位。它不僅在基督教改革歷史中佔有重要的一席之地,也是聯合國等國際機構討論和合作的平台。在這樣一個國際舞台上,能與來自全球各地的原住民教會朋友共同探討當今面臨的多重議題,無疑是令人震撼且啟發深刻的經驗。 這些議題涵蓋了土地權益的捍衛、文化與語言的保存、政治上的壓迫、傳統知識的傳承,以及氣候變遷對原住民生活的深遠影響。通過這些討論,讓人深刻認識到不同地區原住民族群的共同挑戰與獨特經驗。而這些寶貴的經驗與智慧,無疑可為世界上其他原住民社群提供借鑑與啟示。 祈禱通過這樣的對話與交流,能帶來更多的理解與支持,推動世界各地的原住民族群在面對現實挑戰時,能夠堅持他們的文化和價值觀,並獲得更多的尊重和公義。願上主的引領,讓我們在共同面對全球挑戰的過程中,走向一個更和諧與公義的未來。 身為台灣的原住民牧者,並且擔任WCC諮詢小組成員,期待可以在這個崗位上發揮許多獨特的作用: 1. 促進原住民聲音與視角:在WCC內推動更多關注原住民的議題,讓台灣原住民面臨的挑戰,例如土地權利、文化保存、經濟困境、氣候變遷等,在全球教會平台上得到重視。 2. 建立跨文化對話:利用本身的背景,促進不同文化間的理解與支持,且推動全球其他原住民族群之間的連結,分享台灣原住民的信仰故事、生活經歷,並學習彼此的處境與信仰實踐。 3. 推動社會公義議題:WCC重視社會公義,而您可以協助推動更多與原住民相關的公義議題,像是環境保護、土地權益、教育機會等,讓WCC的社會關懷工作更加全面。 4. 教育與文化保存:在WCC框架下,支持教育資源和文化保存,特別針對台灣和其他國家中的原住民,推動以尊重文化和語言多樣性為基礎的政策與行動。 5. 支持原住民牧者的發展:在WCC中尋求支持原住民牧者的培育和資源分配,鼓勵更多年輕原住民投入信仰服務,從而壯大原住民教會的領導力量。 這些貢獻不僅能強化台灣原住民在普世的聲音,也能幫助WCC更好地理解和回應全球原住民的需求與呼聲。 筆者分享台灣原住民原住民的處境及災後重建的議題,於Bossey普世學校。 來自Panama 的Jocabed Solano分享當地原住民文化慣習及樂舞於WCC的新辦公室。 |